op deze pagina staan enkele van mijn persoonlijke en werkprojecten. elk project heeft een verhaal, klik op de titel om het te lezen. Opmerking: Deze projecten zijn wel in het engels geschreven.
Cat: minor cyber body of knowledge
What are algorithmics
Tech: math algorithmics
Cat: minor body of knowledge
COurse code review with a cyber aspact
Tech: review
Cat: minor cyber body of knowledge
A digital forensic report based on the Norton dataset
Tech: digital forensics report
Cat: minor cyber body of knowledge
What is digital forensics and what processes are involved
Tech: digital forensics
Cat: minor cyber body of knowledge
What standards and values are involved in analyzing data. How to avoid prejudice.
Tech: ethics data science
Cat: minor cyber body of knowledge
What is https and how does it work.
Tech: web https
Cat: minor cyber body of knowledge
Learning Objectives for minor Cyber summarized & PDR with evaluation
Cat: minor cyber body of knowledge
A project where I apply machine learning to the aspect of cyber. Here I am using techniques such as naive bayes for label detection in a dataset
Tech: machine learning naive bayes
Cat: minor cyber body of knowledge
GitHubLearning Objectives for minor Cyber summarized & PDR with evaluation
Cat: minor cyber body of knowledge
Own a Linux machine
Tech: pentest red-hat
Cat: minor cyber body of knowledge
Pentest Methodology. Phases and frameworks used during pen-tests.
Tech: attack pen-testing methodology practices
Cat: minor cyber body of knowledge
Privacy for the user while developing software
Tech: software-engineering privacy
Cat: minor cyber body of knowledge
Privacy for the user while developing software / Security while developing software / Security in a project lifecycle
Tech: software-engineering secure-development
Cat: minor cyber body of knowledge
Basic knowledge building for preparation master studies. Here I learn to perform statistical analysis and draw conclusions
Tech: statistics math machine learning
Cat: minor cyber body of knowledge
GitHubWhy it is important to keep your .dotfiles safe.
Tech: linux .dotfiles
Cat: body of knowledge minor
GitHubFormulas explained
Tech: math statistics
Cat: body of knowledge minor
How to manage time and make priorities
Tech: time management
Cat: body of knowledge minor
What is vim and why should you use it as a professional
Tech: vim ide
Cat: body of knowledge minor
GitHubWhat are they and how are they used
Tech: captcha
Cat: body of knowledge software-engineering cyber minor
Tech: prototype
Cat: body of knowledge software-engineering cyber minor
What are they and how to make one
Tech: regex
Cat: body of knowledge software-engineering cyber minor
summary about the implementation of the GDPR-CFR legislation that I have applied within the company CytoSMART.
Tech: gdpr annex 11
Cat: minor cyber body of knowledge software-engineering internship